Southerly summary - March 2023
It’s been a long winter… and March, like the weather, brought days that were beautiful and clear and others that were dark and dreary. There were a few heavy moments over the past month along with a lot of change and discovery. And some beautiful memories, too.
I shared over on IG that I had been dealing with some discouraging health issues. I have celiac in my family so it had been on my radar to get tested, and I finally did recently. Turns out, I’m gluten intolerant (which I had a gut feeling about - literally!). Since I moved to California, I’ve been “gluten conscious”…I try not to overdo it and had actually cut it out previously to clear up a skincare problem. But now I’m going to have to commit to it - it’s real. And so I’m learning more about celiac/gluten intolerance while trying to navigate a pretty big diet change. Hoping to share more of this journey here and finding more resources for anyone experiencing the same thing.
At the same time, I have been dealing with a persistent cough. I’ve always struggled with allergies (could write a whole saga on this!), but I never had issues with breathing until recently. I was put on several inhalers which were helping my symptoms, but last week I went through a complete whirlwind of side effects and questioning if this could be the culprit. Needless to say, my body is speaking to me loudly right now so I’m trying to listen, while being an advocate for myself.
I’ve always been an active, healthy person so health issues like these make you question things. I was pretty down on myself and honestly still navigating through it. Of course, there are much worse things…but we all have our own experiences and are trying to deal with whatever life throws at us while juggling everyday life. That’s why I created this video that shared three things I learned this month. I had to really think about the positives that have come from what was going on around me. It helps to keep it in perspective while also connecting with others who may be feeling the same.
All that said, there were some pretty amazing moments in March, too!
I kicked the month off with a fun trip to Santa Monica with my sister-in-law and mom. It wasn’t as warm as we’d hoped, but it was filled with good food and quality time so for that I’m grateful!
My husband and I also had a mini getaway to Pebble Beach, and it’s places like there that remind me of the wonder of living in California. It draws me back in when I take time to explore and relish in the landscapes.
I also had a mini reunion with a dear friend who has since moved away from the area. She was visiting for work and made time to connect over dinner and a quick lunch and it was so, so special. I have many long-distance friendships and as hard as it is, all of these friendships - the ones that really stand the test of time - are worth the extra effort. Technology can never replace that feeling you get from hugging a friend you haven’t seen in a while so I’m trying to make more of an effort to plan little getaways and things with my core groups. You’ll never regret those times.
In other news, we finally (finally) got our latest revisions on the house approved. MAJOR WIN! As long as the weather clears up, we’re pushing ahead for progress on the construction. I will be sharing in more detail about our family room design (I keep saying/thinking this), and we have a clearer idea of the next phase as well. It is not going to be easy living through it - but I can’t wait to really start to see some progress. Of late, we’re nearly done with our first installment of windows and doors and already I can see the design taking shape.
April is here and with it will be more sunny days, a trip to see family, and a sense of fresh beginnings as spring really comes into view. Plotting my garden beds after publishing this. Here’s to more days soaking up all the good and knowing that we all have the strength to get through the rain.
Images via Pinterest